2019-12-10 On 9 December, the 2019 conference on “One Country, Two Systems” and the Basic Law was co-hosted by Tianda Institute, Bauhinia Magazine, and...
English Posts
SHI Lu 2019-07-07 Technology is what drives the contemporary economy. The economic, political and military competition between China and the United States is essentially...
ZHANG Wang 2019-02-25 In recent years, China has focused on its military and economic rise in the world arena, but has neglected the need...
Alyssa AYRES 2019-01-25 The BRICS, a bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, has in its short existence rapidly expanded its diplomatic...
WU Junfei 2018-11-19 At present, the core issues concerning politics in China are one-party governance, social and cultural reforms, and mature market-government relationship. Although...
Johnson LI 2018-10-26 US Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech at the Hudson Institute think tank on 4 October, which sent one signal...
Tianda Institute 2018-09-01 1. With smart city development becoming a global trend to tackleurbanisation challenges, the Government of HKSAR launched the Digital 21...
Hsien-Sen LIN 2018-08-03 Under the strategic framework for the Asian Pacific rim established by the US, the Abe administration has constructed a hedging strategy...
LIN Feng 2018-07-10 The consensus in China’s corridors of power seems to be that China has to fight back in the trade war initiated...
Nian PENG 2018-06-28 Why did Trump rashly wage a “real” trade war? What is Trump’s intention? How will the US-China trade war evolve? And...