Tianda Institute’s Seminars on the Improved Electoral System
Tianda Institute 2021-11-05 To facilitate accurate understanding and implementation of “one country, two systems” and upholding of the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong”, Tianda Institute is holding a series of seminars that aim to nurture political talents to achieve these objectives. The first round of seminars, themed “Understanding Elections ...
RCEP signed for shared prosperity despite ideological divides
Johnson LI 2020-12-29 The RCEP aims to deliver shared benefits to its member states by recognising the realities of different countries and reflecting the concerns of all members to the maximum extent possible. This mega trade pact finally signed after 31 rounds of formal negotiations over eight years is a ...
Political ecology in Taiwan after its Elections
LI Yue 2020-01-15 Taiwan’s incumbent leader Tsai Ing-wen won the election on 11 January with record 8.17 million votes, which is a result of many factors, but none more important than the fundamental change in the political climate of Taiwan. For details, please go to the Chinese version>> ...
US-Iran war will not happen soon
Johnson LI 2020-01-10 There have staged many large-scale wars in the Middle East since world II, among which some were triggered by internal religious, political and ethnic conflicts in combination with external support, while others resulted from direct intervention of US-led international forces. Since the end of the Cold War, ...
Conference on “One Country, Two Systems” and the Basic Law held in Hong Kong
2019-12-10 On 9 December, the 2019 conference on “One Country, Two Systems” and the Basic Law was co-hosted by Tianda Institute, Bauhinia Magazine, and Hong Kong New Youth Energy Think Tank at the World Trade Centre in Hong Kong. By adopting the “Guiding Principles of the Fourth Plenary Session of ...
Making STAR market cradle of tech enterprises
SHI Lu 2019-07-07 Technology is what drives the contemporary economy. The economic, political and military competition between China and the United States is essentially the contest between the core technological strength of the two countries. At present the priority of China’s economic development is to incubate more high-tech enterprises through ...
Does China still have anything to learn from Japan?
ZHANG Wang 2019-02-25 In recent years, China has focused on its military and economic rise in the world arena, but has neglected the need to promote the essence of traditional Chinese culture in a way comprehensible to the rest of the world, so as to clarify what Chinese civilisation can ...
How the BRICS got here?
Alyssa AYRES 2019-01-25 The BRICS, a bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, has in its short existence rapidly expanded its diplomatic activities, demanded a louder voice on global economic and security forums for its members, and created brand new financial institutions. The member countries share a desire ...
Pence’s Speech: one signal, three mindsets
Johnson LI 2018-10-26 US Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech at the Hudson Institute think tank on 4 October, which sent one signal and reflected three mindsets.
For details, please go to the Chinese version>>
For details, please go to the Chinese version>>
Smart City Development in Hong Kong: Barriers and Challenges
Tianda Institute 2018-09-01 1. With smart city development becoming a global trend to tackleurbanisation challenges, the Government of HKSAR launched the Digital 21 Strategy in 1998. The path taken to enhance Hong Kong’s e-economy was different from those of other cities in the world which focused more on sustainability in ...