Yi Heng 2010-11-12 The Li Gang incident unveiled the general public’s abhorrence towards judicial injustice. The traffic accident caused widespread concern as the perpetrator...
English Posts
Guo Zheng 2010-11-09 North Korea celebrated the 65th anniversary of the Worker’s Party with a massive military parade and demonstrated to the world its...
Mu Jun 2010-11-04 As China is rising up as a great power, stories and anecdotes about Chinese leaders are gaining more and more overseas...
Chen Shaobo 2010-11-01 The 17th CPC Central Committee’s Fifth Plenary Session concluded on October 18th, when the Office of State Council announced its “Decisions...
2010-11-01 Property taxation in Mainland will soon become materialized. The aim of its implementation is to balance the supply and demand in the property...
Yu Tianren 2010-10-19 Diplomatic relationship between Asia’s two largest economies soured over Diaoyu Islands incident, intensified by Japan’s complaining of a rare-earth export halt...
Yu Tianren 2010-10-05 Analyzing Diaoyu Islands incident from the perspective of political changes in Japan, we noticed the emergence of Seiji Maehara Phenomenon in...
Mu Jun 2010-10-05 The news that Kevin Rudd, who stepped down due to intraparty coup, was recently appointed Foreign Minister of the Australian government...
Chen Shaobo 2010-09-27 Changes of political atmosphere, implementation of social reform and acceleration of closer ties with Mainland lead Hong Kong to a new...
Yang Yixing 2010-09-27 Amid the world’s pursuit of peaceful development, military transparency has already become an irresistible trend. For external purpose, military transparency helps...