Tianda Institute 2011-07-06 A fundamental solution to break down the antagonism among citizens and street vendors against urban management officers is to clearly identify...
English Posts
GUO Zhongxiao 2011-07-05 Here in Hong Kong, net generations are pursuing a wide variety of options for future development. In stead of sticking to...
WANG Jiadi 2011-07-04 If people of Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya and Syria could fight for their own freedom and dignity, why cannot the Palestinians?...
DENG Yuwen 2011-07-01 The 90 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China have seen several rounds of amendment to the Party...
DENG Yuwen 2011-07-01 To waive the toll fees of national highways means the administration is determined to restore the original function of public utilities...
DAI Qingcheng 2011-06-29 If China escalates the long-running dispute over South China Sea territory by declaring a war on Vietnam, tension between China and...
WU Muluan 2011-06-25 In terms of social development in China, to uphold the spirit of pragmatism remains a top priority nowadays. The Central Government...
TANG Ben 2011-06-24 Chinese President Hu Jintao and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev signed a joint statement on international situation and major international issues...
XIANG Yifang 2011-06-24 As an independent authority, the judicial branch should ponder on issues such as how to handle relations with the executive branch...
Larry Chow 2011-06-16 It’s fairly practicable for Hong Kong to increase the proportion of nuclear in the overall fuel mix in consideration of emission...